Sunday, July 24, 2011

Moon in Taurus or Moon in Gemini?

Post script to my last entry regarding President Obama's moon sign being in Taurus.  I have just come across other indicators that the moon at his place of birth in Hawaii was not in Taurus but in Gemini.  Looks as though the moon was either late degree of Taurus or early degree of Gemini and I am not sure how I can get a definitive on this but will try to find out and get back to readers because different references have given me different information.

If the moon was Void of Course or neither in one sign or the other, it may be the President Obama's moon can be seen to be "on the cusp," or between both the sign of Taurus and Gemini subsequently, heaven and earth and with a luminosity that encompasses both signs.  I personally find this idea a very intriguing one and as an artist it configures in my mind a flock of beautiful birds flying over the earth when the earth is most beautiful (in springtime or the time of Taurus, the month of May).  The arts play big in the life or character of someone with this aspect and the Commander in Chief is probably a great lover of the arts in all forms from theatre to music to painting and so forth. 

Summer Trends 2011

I find it interesting that Weekly Astrology is the most popular of my websites.  Somehow, I thought art would be of more interest but there it is, the stars win out.  I feel a bit guilty for not really posting anything in recent days so, I hope this note can double as an apology.  The individuals hectic life and or anything else associated with humans doesn't stop the movement of the planets and there's always interesting trends to observe and discuss, daily, weekly, monthly and yes, at the beginning and ending of centuries or thousand year cycles! 

Good or other than good stuff happens.  The planets reconfigure, rearrange and then or course, there is the good, the bad and the ugliness of the players, depending on which ones they are (male players, Mars, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto sometimes cause major problems, sometimes not depending on the relationship they strike with each other and the other planets). 

With the sun now in the earliest degree of Leo and Uranus in Aries, Sagittarians and other who have planets or sun sign in either of these signs will be getting the fiery boost of trine aspect or in the case of those with planets or luminaries (sun and or moon) in all three sign, the Grand Trine or triple harmony in the fire element.  The strength of the trine(s) and Grand Trine harmonies in the fire element are associated with inspiration, courage, strength and activities related to performing arts (Leo), literary arts (Leo), appearances (Aries), prosperity philosophies (Sagittarius) and other positive trends that can really carry those who benefit by aspect quite a ways forward and with the auspices of good fortune riding these summer trends going forward. 

At this time there are also planetary alignments that involve the earth planets and signs.  We have underway, planet Jupiter in the constellation of Taurus for several months.  It's a wonderful placement for Jupiter and the earth signs get the real boost and those who had planets in earth signs when they were born.  It's a lush life aspect in a way what with the big focus on Leo now and August being perhaps the culmination of the solar focus on Leo and the summer on the one hand and the square or conflict aspect of Taurus to Leo. 

Our President Obama is a Leo sun and Taurus moon person.  Interesting to note that in the Tarot deck that I know very little about but do remember reading somewhere that the card for the World has a lion's head and a bull's head.  I am  not sure of the symbolism but we do have a rather high level person with that worldly configuration of Taurus/Leo and that would be our current Commander in Chief!  Perhaps any real mastery of the world necessitates the hardheadedness of a bull with the courage and strength of a lion.  Who knows, however that does come to mind when I consider that particular configuration and it's not without issues because of the differences in the two types, Taurus and Leo.  Be that as it may, it's on now for us all with the focus on Leo planets and that beautiful placement of Jupiter in Taurus for several months to come. 

Jupiter is  in Taurus and this is potentially a HUGE wealth indicator. Those blessed with this birth configuration should crank up the muscle and make their dreams of wealth come true by taking advantage of this fine opportunity now and until June 11, 2012!  Act now and count your gold at the bank later because it will be approximately another 12 as in dozen years before Jupiter returns to this astrological sign associated with wealth, abundance and all the finer things in life.  Ramp it up.  Crank it out.  Do it up.  Rise and shine but my humble advice is to just get it done whatever it takes. 

With that said, I will raise the stakes for those with earth planets or interested parties otherwise and say that the Jupiter in Taurus position compliments and enhances the Pluto in Capricorn. 

Pluto in  Capricorn packs a heck of a wallop and can add to the prosperity potential for those who are in the industries associated with Capricorn specifically construction.  With infrastructure trends about to loom very large, those in construction will be getting a tremendous boost and the boost is largely Plutonian in nature.  Our aged and collapsing structures (bridges, highways, roads etc.) will have the necessary capital from the government to rebuild and in so doing to provide any number of jobs in construction for example.

Luxury employment sectors (Taurus) are in for good times also and we see this with the continued and seeming to be unending rise of gold prices globally.  Gold is the way to go folks and will continue to rise as demand increases from new wealth nations (China, India etc.).  It's no scam that companies are buying up gold fast as they can crank out the commercials to reach the public and, anyone interested in a rock solid investment (the pun is intended) should make their decisions accordingly, that's my hot tip for the foreseeable future. 

Construction and gold, the building up and the mining and recall of metals (including silver from what I have heard as well).

I'm turning this into a saga so, I will for the moment end here and do a quick spell check and re-read but, the sense of guilt I have experienced especially upon discovering that Weekly Astrology has more visitors than my other, art photography related blogs ... well, I had to submit something and submit it quickly.  If I have stated what you know already, sorry for that and if not, get thee some gold if at all possible.  :) 

Call your broker and you can thank me later.  Had one person whose relationship to me I will not mention did not follow my advice about ten years ago when gold was trading at around $700 an ounce and it's now more than double that.  It will not stabilize or drop in value any time soon so if you have the wherewithall get it while it's h-o-t, that's my advice.

Until next time, I remain your humble astrology analyst and commentator. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fire Sign and Earth Sign Trines Underway

A lot has been happening and the planets are in very interesting alignment these days with trines galore in the fire and earth elements.  I've been away from some of my blogs and ask visitors to accept my apology, those who visited and saw nothing new recently, I am sorry to disappoint.

I will be adding new analysis and commentary sometime in the upcoming week, in the meantime, why not visit my other art photography related blogs?  Check out my other blogs and see some beautiful beachcombers on the beach at Coney Island.