Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yet Another Partial Solar Eclipse on June 1st on the Day of the New or Black (Invisible) Moon

And just how many eclipses are we in store for and in so close a period of time?  Yet another partial eclipse on Friday, July 1st of the sun in Cancer, which takes place on the day of the new or black moon.  Who knows what it will all mean or how things will play out? 

There are some difficult or what astrologers call, "hard aspects," between a number of malefic or what I'll call difficulty potential planets (Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Libra are in opposition by sign to each other and both Uranus and Saturn are also in square/conflict relationship to both the sun and moon on June 1st).  At that time our luminaries, the sun and moon will both be in the sign and constellation of Cancer.  

Sensitive Cancerians or those born on or between June 22nd and July 22nd should try to keep a low profile but that may or may not be possible.  Whatever happens, confidence or security may be an issue and there may be some unpleasant moments to have to live through.  I do not like being so negative in analyzing trends but the eclipse is one event and the Uranus/Saturn square to the luminaries is something else and can provide an unpleasant time of it for Cancerians and others as well.  Be strong and persevere if the going gets tough, this is not the time to put yourself on the line in any way. 

While double checking my information for this blog post, I found an fascinating article written by a woman who is an astrologer as well as a psychotherapist, Cathy Lynn Pagano

You may find it interesting reading.  I haven't had time yet to read it fully but it points to some interesting ideas. 

I try to keep a low profile during the eclipses as much as possible and suggest the same for others although, that may or may not be possible for any one of us.  Apparently there will be conflict (or square) aspects at the same time involving Uranus in Aries (sudden events often negative or accident potentials) and Saturn in Libra and yes, the eclipse takes place at the very start of the holiday weekend on Friday.

No doubt this kind of configuration has happened before but we've had some humdinger eclipses and astrological events in the past year that are somewhat monumental.  I guess we can just add this latest one to the mix and hope and pray we aren't swept away in to the void. 

Remember too that we are now living in a world where we have a big, what they call "super particle collider" cranked up in Europe.  I read somewhere (and I think it was the New York Times) that a lawsuit was taken out to prevent the creation of the speed of light particle accelerator for fear that it might cause the formation of black holes or a black hole large enough to swallow up our world and God only knows, other worlds as well.  However, the multinational group who created the supercollider were allowed to build it and crank it up only just recently for their experiments. 

There's probably no relationship between all the recent eclipses and the supercollider but, I'm just saying.  We are living in interesting times are we not? 

Update on the Oceans of the World and Neptune in Pisces Transit are Related

With the world and the world's oceans trending the way they have been for a long time and for other reasons that involve movements and trends outside of human control, we are in for some very problematic times and this according to a recent, Huffington Post article. The world's oceans have been distressed and changes will affect us all in the times to come and probably in the very near future. 

With planet Neptune in the constellation of Pisces now and for many years to come, we are living in highly predictable times when it comes to the element of water and the fact that we live on a planet overwhelming covered in water. 

I recently heard (radio) commentary that in the New York City area, plans are being put together to secure the sea level of the city with a dam like structure to offset tsunami flooding that appears inevitable in the next forty years.  Little of this is in the press and or media but, the cognoscenti are aware that we too (and not just Japan and India for example who have suffered extreme tidal activity), we who live in the New York City area re vulnerable too. 

The question that comes to mind is whether or not we, the individual or collective "we," will we be here at sea level when the tide gets rough?

A literary idea comes to mind that the entirety of Japan come to overwhelmingly sad conclusion that the entire island will be consumed by an overriding tide of water and so they decide to leave the island and scatter throughout the world as a wandering tribe who must find a place in the world outside of their original and largely insular home. 

What would that be like?  Japan has suffered extreme tidal activities for a very long time but, will it ever get that extreme that the entire island could be lost?  Planetary trends are strong that island nations around the globe, Japan included could be lost to rising tides. 

Would you leave your home if you realized the worst in relation to such a situation? 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Total Solar Eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius Tomorrow

Well stargazers, we'll be on with the full moon in the constellation and sign of Sagittarius tomorrow that will include a total lunar eclipse.  God and the higher powers only know how it will translate itself in our human affairs and at the personal level but undergo it we earthlings will. 

I hope it doesn't involve any undue losses, haven't we suffered enough of that?  Sagittarius is notably a (long distance) travel sign and with the Sagittarian type there is always the philosophical bent and direction of the arrow, we may find something eventful taking place in these arenas.

Gemini people should directly experience the full moon eclipse in their "collective" seventh house of partnerships, specifically marriage partnership or other similarly intimate relationship and so the next few days may hold a few difficulties, be forewarned and play it cool if necessary.  No need to go spoiling a good thing. 

Watch it will travel everyone, try to stay close to home if possible that's what I say and even there with unusual alignments of the planets, keep a low profile until the planets re situate themselves after the eclipse. 

Take care and rule your stars, until next time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Earth Signs & Theoretical Physics a Personal Connection

There is a certain amount of amazement that I am experiencing, with a personal connection underway between the passage (transit) of planets through the earth sign of Taurus underway now and my introduction to a wonderful book written by the prominent, American theoretical physicist, Dr. Michio Kaku

Dr Kaku's radio broadcasts are extremely cool and I have enjoyed the fascinating topics he covers but nothing was going to prepare me for reading one of his books!  It's astonishing that he has packed so many concepts into this book and in such a way that the conepts can be grasped.  It's even filled with a certain amount of insider historical gossip that was really surprising and unexpected to learn of in the middle of the night!

If the truth be know, we spent several nights together recently and it may be a late night again too with a midway reading of his, "Physics of the Impossible," an astonishing book, extremely rich with details of the concepts that are driving the science of theoretical physics for the past hundred years and further back in time to the distant future of the next hundred, thousand and millenial time periods. 

His books are New York Times bestsellers and I can certainly see why.  He discusses in layman's terms trends, concepts and underpinnings of our universe, its origins and what awaits us as a race going forward in a world where theories are upturned when one thinker with renewed insights into the findings of prior thinkers including Albert Einstein's theories are modified and qualified further. 

It is the greatest book I've read in a long, long time and I just think it's interesting that I am reading on this topic of physics as the planets cluster and move forward through the constellation and sign of the beautiful earth, Taurus. 

Because I am formerly an artist, currently an art photographer, the dynamics of the physical world offer an interesting foundation to the what the materials I deal with in the work that I do.  The manipulation of light and the nature of light are discussed. 

If you have any interest in the present day as well as past leading edge thinkers, their lives and times and contributions to the current and future trends in theoretical physics that are at the elemental base of our world and universe, Dr. Kaku's books will thrill you.  I look foward to reading every one I can get my hands on even though, it's hectic these days with little time for "pleasure" reading, pleasure reading it will be.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Partial Eclipse of the Sun Today, June 1st & Total Lunar Eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius on June 15th

As the world turns, we are having a partial eclipse of the sun in Gemini today, June 1st.  A more exciting event perhaps will be the mid month, June 15th total eclipse of the moon in Sagittarius.  For those with Sagittarius planets at birth or rising sign, perhaps an eventful day for you is coming up. 

I like to keep a low profile during the eclipses but that's not always possible.  It's basically that the events although they happen several times yearly, eclipses are unusual occurrences where the dynamics of the earth, sun and moon shift around differently and "there will be shadows," as they say. 

With the sun in Gemini full moon in Sagittarius axis involved in the total eclipse it remains to be seen how the dynamics will play themselves out in our personal lives and at the global level as well. 

Long Term Uranus in Aries Transit Underway

Uranus in Aries is a major transit and it is also major playing in the lives of those people born with planets in one or two of the other fire signs, namely, Leo and Sagittarius.  This year, 2011, and until 2018 is a considerable amount of time and time in which, radical and innovative Uranus will occupy the sign of Aries.  During this time, it will form what is known as "grand trine" if it figures in with natal or birth planets in the signs of Leo and Sagittarius on the individual level, sort of like winning in the lottery in a way. 

One would need to know something about the individual birth chart to know for certain but it's an auspicious aspect and it intimates many unusual opportunities to grow in positive directions and perhaps make a considerable contribution to your local and perhaps larger community of the world at large.

The three fire signs:  Aries, Leo and Sagittarius conjure up the dash, daring, brilliance, philosophy and generosity of a fire trinity that promises much over the relatively long transit which will last until 2018.  Seven years is a long time relatively speaking so visitors who know for certain they were born with planets in the fire signs, you will no doubt be ready, willing and able to show the world what you have to offer and offer it with love, pride and a certain amount of humility because it will be your time to shine!  Make the most of this transit, it promises to be in many ways, the transit of a lifetime and for those of us who have perhaps only one fire aspect or no fire sign aspects, fear not.  Be prepared to be dazzled by individual and personal trends of friends and family and those who do have these aspects that will amaze you in your personal lives and on the global stage, notably in the field of entertainment (actors, Hollywood and technology changes in relation to acting, actors and new leading edge technology changes in Hollywood and elsewhere).  

The month of August, 2011 brings into play the sun and other planets in the sign of Leo so there will be a compliment with Uranus in Aries at that time.  We have one wonderful August to look forward to and we should be on the lookout for unusual events in the entertainment world and in love affairs because with planet Uranus involved, it is always the unusual and the unexpected. 

Because Uranus is the opposition sign to Leo, it is significant to mention that the trine aspect which will take place is positive and not one of antipathy which might otherwise be the case since opposition signs/aspects generally bring a certain amount of difficulty when they occur. 

Uranus trining (the sun in leo) is something like rebellious (Aquarius) youth harmonizing with authority (sun) strange as that may seem, we'll see examples of this and welcome ones at that which will probably take place. 

Astrological analysis services are available as per your request, please contact me regarding rates.