Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Total Solar Eclipse of the Moon in Sagittarius Tomorrow

Well stargazers, we'll be on with the full moon in the constellation and sign of Sagittarius tomorrow that will include a total lunar eclipse.  God and the higher powers only know how it will translate itself in our human affairs and at the personal level but undergo it we earthlings will. 

I hope it doesn't involve any undue losses, haven't we suffered enough of that?  Sagittarius is notably a (long distance) travel sign and with the Sagittarian type there is always the philosophical bent and direction of the arrow, we may find something eventful taking place in these arenas.

Gemini people should directly experience the full moon eclipse in their "collective" seventh house of partnerships, specifically marriage partnership or other similarly intimate relationship and so the next few days may hold a few difficulties, be forewarned and play it cool if necessary.  No need to go spoiling a good thing. 

Watch it will travel everyone, try to stay close to home if possible that's what I say and even there with unusual alignments of the planets, keep a low profile until the planets re situate themselves after the eclipse. 

Take care and rule your stars, until next time.

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