Yes, finally here, the bold planetary move of Neptune into the sign of its rulership (and I do mean ship), Pisces!
Neptune with it's long orbit around the sun is back in the sign it rules one and half centuries. We need fear nothing however, our world it seems has always been a predominant water world but, there will be issues the world will have to cope with regarding water many of which we already know.
The price and value of potable water will increase due to scarcity and other, political factors. Tsunamis will make the news after taking lives in island countries of the world in the next twenty years but, that is to be expected. People have known about these occurrences for hundreds and hundreds of years. The above are merely two of the perhaps inevitables.
So what's the potential of an upside for this major planetary movement and transit from one constellation to the watery world of Pisces? It remains to be seen but we, star gazers and speculators can dream, can't we? Honestly, the only benefit that comes to mind (and especially with the other two water signs not involved in a Grand Trine with Neptune any time soon from what I can see), technology changes, advances in the film industry, a surge in psychic phenomenon and possibly the arrival of who else? Aliens.
Just joking there, who knows when those outer space critters will make their perhaps inevitable grand stand on the stage of humanity. It could happen at any time and why not in the next twenty years?
I think trends for Neptune in Pisces will involve evolutionary development or shift to higher mental capabilities including psychic abilities that were latent in humans, the potential for those abilities to become functioning will probably be something that emerges during the next twenty years as well as other psychic related phenomena whether or not scientists can get a full understand of or perhaps they will unlock the secrets of the mind to a very advanced degree. That remains to be seen but, because Neptune rules higher mind and psychic functions, we humans will be evolving and not just at the individual level. It may or may not create a certain amount of fear because growing up always does but, humanity will be evolving perhaps and by a due to necessity scenario, we will survive and be able to cope with upcoming revelations about the human experience, our world and our place in it at the indivudal and collective level.
I know, I'm sounding like Kreskin the Magician a bit here but, I'm merely stating what is fairly obvious to most astrologers. If the reader is not an astrologer, take my word for it. If the reader is an astrologer, they know this to be the "speculative" case. :)
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