Monday, March 21, 2011

Take Away on the Super Big Beautiful Moon

So as the saying goes, what's the take away with the rare lunar eclipse of the full "blue moon" at the first day of winter 2010 and the very recent rare, full "super" moon at the very start of springtime?  Winter and spring seasons both have unusual beginnings in a year that has already started off with unusual occurrences some of which have been extremely destructive. 

(In future entries to this blog, this week or next, I will discuss what may be the positive ramifications of astrology trends going forward.)

The second full moon in the month of December 2010 and, the "super" full moon is extraordinarily luminous and appears larger due to its proximity to earth. 

The occurrence of both rare events so close in time may bring with it geologic changes as some have suggested and or predicted but that remains to be seen. 

We can stand in awe of nature and the physical world we live in considering the literal context of such rare lunar occurrences and looking to the heavens at the Bella Luna of our world. 

We have time this weekend to enjoy the fullness and close proximity of the larger than life moon before it presumably returns to its orbit which will be relatively more distant from earth.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Super Full Moon & December's New Moon Lunar Eclipse

The second full month of the month (blue moon) on December 21, 2010 gave us the first winter total eclipse in 456 years.  There were unusal features to the December 2010 lunar eclipse, not only was it rare but apparently the eclipse had the sun and moon in opposition to each other with the earth intercepting and all of this with the luminaries pointing almost exactly toward our "galactic center." 

I have read that NASA has found a giant black hole at the center of our solar system or galactic center .  With our sun and moon and earth in alignment with that black hole, we have seen unusual events on heaven and on earth. 

We have experienced also according to NASA an increase in the activity of our sun with an activation of strong solar flares and subsequent solar wind throughout the galaxy in the past six month. 

Loss of wildlife, birds, fish, mammals in large numbers across the globe, there may or not be a direct connection but there is at any rate the circumstance or incidence of these things happening close in time. 

Now at the beginning of our new year, 2011 we have the unusual, full "super moon."  The full moon more brilliant and visibly larger due to its closest proximity to earth also a somewhat rare event associated with earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions.  Very exciting, the idea of all this in an abstract kind of way but, do we earth critters need any more excitement in relation to these earthly activities?  The answer is "No", plain and simple, no thank you. 

It is significant that these two, the total lunar eclipse and the full super moon (close proximity to earth), the black moon and the brightest, largest white moon manifesting within six months of each other. 

We have already had the quake in Japan and subsequent tsunami that has rippled its way across the globe destroying life and property as it went.  We humans are in the wait and see period whether we know it or not of what the side effects of the super full moon occurrence will bring. 

Happy Vernal Equinox All

Happy Spring to all. 

Hard to believe the winter flew by the way it did but it did and here it is, a new season.  The sun has gone omega > alpha, completing a full circle around the twelve constellations of the zodiac to find the way to the sign of the first twelve signs, Aires. 

The sun joins Jupiter and Uranus that are both situated in the early degrees of Aires.  The combination of our primary luminary, the sun and two of earth's largest planets will make for a warm hearted and happy go lucky month ahead but certainly not without surprises some of which can be very upsetting on the level of personal life and or the global world at large. 

The times are right and righteous for freedom. 

We have a fair amount of egalitarianism with Jupiter in Aries along with the sun  now.  The Middle East is going for their humanity, freedom and what better time than now? 

It is an out of the astrology textbook that these revolutions in the Middle East are taking place now with Uranus also in Aries, the sign of war. Had it been otherwise, the necessity and subsequent intervention of other countries in support of the Libyan people by the United Nations and international military assistance might not have taken place.    

Aries is the primary war sign of the Zodiac

We can be certain there will be more war but war with principles such as power to the people and freedom behind it. 

War should always be the last resort but the rational is for the support of innocent civilians who have requested the international community including the United States help them in their fight for freedom from strife. 

I make absolutely no claims to understand war in the Middle East or elsewhere but, I do know something of astrology trends. 

Uranus in Ares signifies additional war and war with new age technology (probably drones), with Jupiter involved in the mix, war with a higher mind cause is also the probability. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

2011: More Unusual Events Are in Store for Us at Home and Globally

Yes, we are living in interesting time.  First the end of the year 2010 full moon eclipse in Gemini that brought on serious issues for the global community this year, 2011 part of that trend going forward are the sad events that have taken place in Japan.  With the so called, "super full moon" approaching rapidly now, this Saturday, March 19th in the sign of Virgo, we may or may not be in for more severe and destructive climate changes and activity, hopefully not in Japan. 

The remainder of this year will be very unusual in many ways we'll continue to see mysterious occurences similar to the earthquake and loss of wildlife and marine life.  In part due to the trends that are in effect now and movements of the two large planets, Uranus and Jupiter.  Anything could go off this year and probably will, hopefully some of it will be miraculous, helpful and healing and that may very well be the case.  It's not a question of wait and see so much as it may be one of what we can do to offset come what may.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Super Full Moon (in Virgo) This Weekend, March 19, 2011

Super full moon weekend is approaching, a time when from what I sourced off the web, a time where the potential for earthquakes, tsunamis or exaggerated high tides and other, volcanic activity can be expected.  Apparently, the recent events of tsunami activity associated with earthquakes in India and flooding in Australia, even the United States Katrina flooding event are all associated with super full moons of the past.  The exact information can be found online.  I have a very small readership at this time however, I am mentioning this in light of the Japan tragedy that is still unfolding.  Our prayers should be with Japan and the Japanese people. They need our help and it is more than monetary help that is needed.  Japan needs our loving prayers. 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Uranus Entered Aires the Day of the Earthquake in Japan

The world got to witness the horror of the unexpected global disturbance, the earthquake in Japan on the very same day that planet Uranus left the sign of Pisces where it has resided for several years and formally entered the earliest degree of Aires.  In other words, Uranus, planet of the unpredictable and sudden changes shifted from the water sign of Pisces and entered the fire sign of Aires going omega-alpha.  Since it has began a cycle of completion it coincides with the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.  I believe any astrologer could have predicted something like this happening and although most people will not see the correlation there is a very strong one.  The world is probably going to be due for many such unusual and sadly destructive changes in the years to come and as we approach 2012, the possibilities only get more frightening.  Partly man made and partly due to the circumstances of the times, we human critters are going to be in for more difficulties going forward, it is a part of the times we live but all hope is not lost.  It would probably not be possible but for the Japanese to leave their beloved homeland behind and look to other lands to live their lives might be a wise consideration.  God bless those who suffered loss of life and their families who will never be the same again.  It is a very sad and disturbing time now for the world and our prayers and sympathy, each one of good will sends love and prayer to the country of Japan and to all who have suffered losses there at this time of sorrow. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Solar Lunar Omega Alpha

Here it is:  Mo 07 10:57:28 16PI04 09AR16 24PI45 05AQ47 09PI26 09AR08 15LI54 29PI43 29AQ03 07CP13 28SG52
Tu 08 11:01:24 17PI04 21AR08 26PI41 06AQ58 10PI14 09AR22 15LI51 29PI46 29AQ05

The sun in Pisces and the moon in Aires, omega alpha of the sun and moon.  It's all so much a reminder that springtime is very near and the start of plantlife and new life in so many places in the world.