Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Vernal Equinox All

Happy Spring to all. 

Hard to believe the winter flew by the way it did but it did and here it is, a new season.  The sun has gone omega > alpha, completing a full circle around the twelve constellations of the zodiac to find the way to the sign of the first twelve signs, Aires. 

The sun joins Jupiter and Uranus that are both situated in the early degrees of Aires.  The combination of our primary luminary, the sun and two of earth's largest planets will make for a warm hearted and happy go lucky month ahead but certainly not without surprises some of which can be very upsetting on the level of personal life and or the global world at large. 

The times are right and righteous for freedom. 

We have a fair amount of egalitarianism with Jupiter in Aries along with the sun  now.  The Middle East is going for their humanity, freedom and what better time than now? 

It is an out of the astrology textbook that these revolutions in the Middle East are taking place now with Uranus also in Aries, the sign of war. Had it been otherwise, the necessity and subsequent intervention of other countries in support of the Libyan people by the United Nations and international military assistance might not have taken place.    

Aries is the primary war sign of the Zodiac

We can be certain there will be more war but war with principles such as power to the people and freedom behind it. 

War should always be the last resort but the rational is for the support of innocent civilians who have requested the international community including the United States help them in their fight for freedom from strife. 

I make absolutely no claims to understand war in the Middle East or elsewhere but, I do know something of astrology trends. 

Uranus in Ares signifies additional war and war with new age technology (probably drones), with Jupiter involved in the mix, war with a higher mind cause is also the probability. 

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