The world got to witness the horror of the unexpected global disturbance, the earthquake in Japan on the very same day that planet Uranus left the sign of Pisces where it has resided for several years and formally entered the earliest degree of Aires. In other words, Uranus, planet of the unpredictable and sudden changes shifted from the water sign of Pisces and entered the fire sign of Aires going omega-alpha. Since it has began a cycle of completion it coincides with the earthquake and subsequent tsunami. I believe any astrologer could have predicted something like this happening and although most people will not see the correlation there is a very strong one. The world is probably going to be due for many such unusual and sadly destructive changes in the years to come and as we approach 2012, the possibilities only get more frightening. Partly man made and partly due to the circumstances of the times, we human critters are going to be in for more difficulties going forward, it is a part of the times we live but all hope is not lost. It would probably not be possible but for the Japanese to leave their beloved homeland behind and look to other lands to live their lives might be a wise consideration. God bless those who suffered loss of life and their families who will never be the same again. It is a very sad and disturbing time now for the world and our prayers and sympathy, each one of good will sends love and prayer to the country of Japan and to all who have suffered losses there at this time of sorrow.
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