Friday, August 26, 2011

Comparative Essay on Religion & Astrology

I am writing what may be an article of interest to visitors regarding astrology and religion in comparative analysis.  My background as a humanist with studies in Oriental and Western philosophy contrast the traditional religions.  Tolerance from religious types on the pedestrian level is often difficult to come by and, I feel as though it is time for me to make some commentary on the subject. 

I will post an excerpt from the essay in the near future so if you are interested, please visit and see it when it posts.

December Total Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

Another total eclipse of the moon in Gemini will take place on December 10th of this year as if the one we had earlier in the year wasn't enough. 

I have a number of Gemini friends who have already suffered rather heavy losses with the earlier eclipses in Gemini so I was saddened to see that there will be another one toward the end of the year. 

I am reminded and remind readers who may be Gemini to keep a low profile and put off any major plans of action until this eclipse which unfortunately has the potential to be very disturbing to pass. 

I don't think this would be a very good time to travel for example or make major changes.  Try to keep yourself balanced in terms of your emotions although that may be difficult to do depending on the nature of the losses which may be inevitable.

God bless us all, we are ever approaching 2012 and many readers may have knowledge of what we may be in for at that time.  However, it is our destiny to be born during this exciting time of rare celestial events and exciting world changes and, it is our privilege as well.