Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Mercury Retrograde in Virgo is Approaching an End. On With Direct Motion Mercury!

The Mercury retrograde in is coming to a close after tomorrow, April 4th and what a relief.  I suffered some computer failure, my DVD burner malfunctioned but it could have been more dramatic as in past times.  I am very grateful that the DVD flareup or I should say temporary, strictly temporary failure was minor.  There are other issues I would not burden my visitors with, suffice is to say that, it has been an interesting time with Mercury the past month or so and now, onto bigger and better direct motion with you, Mercury!

With Mercury moving on up through the lovely constellation of nebulous and nebula sign of Pisces, then into Aries on April 16th.  We'll all have smoother sailing and hopefully healing (up from the Mars in Virgo retrograde) going forward.

It will be another two weeks until April 14th that Mars remains in Virgo so for those who have had surgeries or other physical or health related incidents, get better quickly and with Mars moving on, I am sure you will!  Take it easy on yourself though and, don't over do it (at least not at first :)when, Mars enters Libra (a sexy move that one) on July 3rd until August 23rd when it will be perhaps the best time of the year for love and creativity!