Friday, April 29, 2011

Venus in Aries in a Time of War

Planet Venus in the constellation Aries is not in a comfortable place but one in which she has to travel like it or not at least once every year and that time is now.

Venus along with a cluster of other planets are in Aries this spring as is often the case this time of year only the stellium or cluster is with some of the heavy hitters. The big boys, Uranus, Mars and Jupiter are in Aries with Venus, the feminine principle of love and beauty and what a position to be in with war swirling around everywhere.

Aries is in a detrimental and not comfortable place for Venus but, there it is. She has to, we lovers and artists among us have to submit to perhaps even sustained attention to the wars that swirl in our times globally in the Middle East and in Africa and elsewhere. The time and indeed trends require that we do so.

I am an artist and find that I have been listening to programs that have to do with war, the cause and effects, the history of these wars and insurgencies, revolutions and the necessity to support rebels. All of this reminds me of that slim and magnificent book I read as a young woman, interested at that time in answers to fundamental questions about the who, what, where and why are we here for? I had read any number of books on Eastern and Western philosophy to try and find some answers to read what the ancients had said, to find answers too many of my questions. I did not find answers. I found discussion and information and historical meanings and by the way quite a bit of misogyny in the European philosopher who didn’t seem to care to give women very much credit but that's the topic for another discussion at a later time perhaps.

Venus is currently required to spend time investigating the old boys' game: War. War with a capital W and war with an s at the end as in the plurality of war: Libya, Iran, Yemen and elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa.

But that slim philosophical text I read so many years ago, The Gita, I still have the original copy I read from when I was twenty years ago. The cover had to be taped on but, I still have it in my possession and I treasure it. The Bhagavad-Gita. The book that puzzled me then but that I have a broader understanding of now so many, many years later because, in the Gita, war is underway and there is discussion that takes place between friends. Questions are asked one to the other about fear and the reservation one friend has to participate in war.

As a young woman I wondered why this ancient story (which is also a part of the Mahabharata, classic Indian text) had to be so situated during a time of war and rivalry. Why war again and again? Why war as in the Iliad and the Odyssey (Classics which I had not read on the other hand)? Why always war? It bothered me but of course since that time and in my lifetime I have lived through the reality of multiple wars that have taken place and as it is; I was born just after the end of World War. Another time, another war, war and the incessant endless wars of humankind.

The longer I live the more I understand why war and why it is a constant backdrop to our lives whether we have lived in the time of the ancients when the Iliad and Odyssey and Bhagavad-Gita were written or during the time of strife that is global at the start of a new millennium. A new cycle of a hundred years. A new cycle of a thousand years and more and more war globally.
I understand and as an adult must accept the permanence of war in our lives now more than ever without having studied war, I find myself immersed in hearing of it and reading it and wondering anew but understanding at the same time that it is a pervasive animosity that is natural to humankind that is just not going away any time soon. It has to be endured and hopefully survived although it causes the ruination to so many countless others worldwide, we have to hope and pray that we will not be directly affected by the long arm of war.

Yes, we carry the burden of war to be certain and no one comes out alive in a very real sense, we bear the burden of it no matter what time and place of birth. We are born into it or recently after it and it reoccurs throughout our lives if not here then there, elsewhere in the world where our males will go to fight or send drones or whatever else are the weapons of the day. We are all subject to it, male or female and our humanity is compromised because, peace is not yet with us but, we know this. Don't we?

The two friends, male characters in the Bhagavad-Gita, friends who discover that they must drop the fear, drop the reluctance, reveal themselves to each other and it was astonishing to me as a young woman to find that one of the friends was an immortal, the Lord Krishna who has returned to mortal form. It is a God and not really a regular man who is the friend to Arjuna in The Gita. A God who reveals himself to his friend and who requires that his friend participate in the war that is underway.

I have just Googled a synopsis of the Gita. The revelation in the book of Lord Krishna to his friend Arjuna is a very beautiful one and the instruction Lord Krishna gives is that his friend should not fear battle and that he must in fact fight. He will reach salvation in his worship and strict devotion to Lord Krishna and he will be victorious in battle. For my part, I still do not understand how it would be that battle and killing and war could be reconciled but, the Gita is an ancient book of wisdom and part of a larger text. In the final analysis, the underpinning is spiritual and point the way to the salvation of the individual through devotion to God, no matter the difficulty of life on earth.

I recommend the Bhagavad-Gita to everyone and I realize that again, as the years go by and I am fortunate to have matured to the extent that I have, wars persist. They spring up anew with new technology to fight the opposition with and with new lives to be lost. It is a ritual. It is a rite of passage. It will require an evolution of humanity or some future cataclysm or Rapture for that matter perhaps that will finally put war on the back burner. Until that time, even Venus will have to listen, learn, discuss and grapple with war as this Venusians daughter is doing these days while Venus is in the sign of war and as wars rage on across the globe.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter Aries Stellium Continues

We have the wonderful Aries stellium (conjunction of planets) underway.  Planet Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus together in the constellation of Aries, that's some lineup!

Yes, Aries is the primary sign of war and associated with the ram that competes head on for territory and mates.  As we all know, strife never sleeps in this world of ours but there are other indicators that a lineup of planets such as those listed above bring us other than war.  But what exactly or even approximately might those indicators be? 

It is significant to mention here that the Passover celebration has to do with a ram's horn which is blown at some time perhaps the start of religious observances in the Jewish tradition.  Why exactly a ram's horn will require a little research I will do in an upcoming post.  More on that later but, what about the "benefics" in Aries? 

The benefics, those planets that have been traditionally associated with the appearance, arrival and bestowal of good fortune or fortunate trends, Venus and Jupiter specifically.  The other planets in Aries now, Mars and Uranus are called and referred to as "malefics."  Male stars that have a destructive influence or the potential is greater for destructive or malevolent occurrences are associated with these planets. 

Mars in Aries is the warlord in action and don't we see that today and for some time now with the latest wars?  It's out of an astrology textbook from that point of view but, what of the benefics?  What of Venus and Jupiter that bring the lesser and the greater fortune?  Where do they figure in this conjunction in Aries? 

We have Mercury going direct today after about three weeks but, Mercury as a neutral (perhaps in terms of being mid way between benevolence/goodness and malevolence/the opposite of goodness.  Mercury goes whichever way the wind blows in most instances and can be admired for the flexibility it brings in whichever sign it occupies).

If Mars in Aries is the war lord on his throne and in battle, what the heck is Venus doing in the mixture?  What role and or place does the love principle have to do with war and activities of war? 

It is by necessity that the planets move in their course and changes take place in influences going forward and those that can be traced backwards.  Necessity is similar to the necessity for everthing in the universe, I suppose. 

Necessity, eventuality, inevitability, the random or seemingly random chaos changes that have always been and will always be in play in the universe allow for no exception with any of the planets. 

It is the interpretation and analysis of the cominations (or conjunctions of planets) and their relationship to each other that make astrology a fascinating and highly interesting hobby and or field of study.  

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Taurus it is! Happy Birthday, Taurus.

Apologies may be necessary since with the start of the new astrological year in Aries, I jumped from Aries sun sign to Gemini on this blog!  How could I?  I can't be sure but not thinking clearly could be part of the answer and after all is said and done, we are still under a Mercury retrograde (until Mercury resumes direct movement on April 23rd) in Aries and that by itself makes for fuzzy thinking. 

We have it on now with the sun in Taurus so happy birthday to you, Taurus! 

Taurus, the perhaps most beautiful time of the year when our green world is new again with flowers and birds and all critters seemingly rejoicing.  Winter over for certain and beautiful sun in Taurus is underway yes, but, we should enjoy as much as possible this intermediate and temperate time before summer arrives.

Oh, if I ever have to come back, I hope I can be on earth again only this time, Taurean.  You know what they say and I think those in the know are right, Taurus represents and presents the best of everything.  Everything beautiful, expensive, sensual, artistic, rich and long lived exists under that first of the earth signs. 

I know they say that Scorpio people are the best lovers in the world, not so.  I think Taureans deserve those credits but, although they are top notch, I rarely encounter them for some reason.  I don't see anything negative about them except for what others say is their main fault which would be the stubbornness.   But when you think of it, what man doesn't have a stubborn streak in him no matter the sun sign? If that's all there is to the "dark" side of Taurus, that's not much to speak of and the temperment issue is one that can easily be gotten around.  Taureans are slow to anger so if you're really not cruising for a bruising, you will have nothing to worry about dealing with them.

Perspective is everything of course and there are qualifiers to what I am saying here including the constellation of other aspects or relationships that Taurus has going for him or her.  Certain signs are inharmonious with Taurus so if the particular Taurean has for example, sun in Taurus and moon in Aquarius, there will be some difficulties and or inner conflicts that may or may not be difficult for the person to be aware of or pinpoint in order to correct or improve upon. The personality will be conflicted.  I have seen examples of this particular configuration but it's enough to say, it is not a harmonious one.

Another not nice configuration would be Taurus with a moon in Leo, however, I have to qualify that because our current President Obama is the flip of that, a Leo with the moon when he was born (wherever he was born) in the sign of Taurus! 

The bull and the lion, both bestial signs represent animal nature and power which is some kind of a combination to have. 

Allowances may need to be made for those with this combination to a certain extent because, a primary aspect of the personality is a hard driving controling personality, in charge and dominant.  (I am not speaking of the President here though to a certain extent any president would need some of these characteristics if not all of them.)

The first of the earth signs, Taurus individuals love their loved ones passionately and in a perhaps highly possessive way.  I believe what I have read about them, that they dislike separation of any kind from loved ones.  How they cope with this inevitablity is beyond me because I have not had enough experience with them on the personal level to know to what extent this may be true.

I will be writing more in the near future about the observations I have made concerning Taurean people who have charm and personal magnetism like no other sign in the zodiac.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Joy of Gemini, the Twins

When I consider the somewhat unusual eventuality of twin births, I am reminded of the astrological sign, Gemini.  I have the suspicion that Geminians are born in families with twins and also families that otherwise but for factors we cannot know about, i.e. the unknown, otherwise they would have been born twins or multiples.  Of course this is all speculation and there is no way to get at quantitative proof but, I know from my own experience of a natal (birth) Gemini moon that there is more to me and more to Gemini than meets the eye.

I have heard people say, "They're two faced."  Geminians aren't two faced generally speaking in terms of treachery but there may very well be more than one face, one internal and one external.  The inner Geminian, could be the good twin or as I say sometimes, "the evil twin."  If the Geminian in question is friendly and easy going and you just love them, you can be sure the twin on the inside is doubling as the tough guy or gal or the one that runs the show, like the Wizard of Oz, from behind the scenes.  He or she may in fact be the "evil" twin but in a tough love kind of way. 

Geminians can often be found in families that do have actual twin births and other double correspondences, those who are born on the 11th day or 11th month and usually they are aware of these correspondences.  My neighbor is Gemini and he's born on his father's birthday, talk about chip off the old block!

Another observation I have made in my analysis of Geminians is that they are true party people and have been the joy of their parents lives from early on.  They have entertained and will continue to entertain in some form or fashion their entire lives and they have as a rule lively social lives. 

I find Gemini people to be far more sociable than Aquarians or Librans for that matter.  They are usually going somewhere (fast) or coming back from some travel and have stories to tell galore.  They are my favorite type of people generally speaking and I find that I understand their duality because I am familiar with my own duality to a large degree and play it for what it's worth.  And it is worthwhile to have two for the price of one personalities or entities or whatever you choose to call it.  They get more done and can do multiple things at the same time.  They are master multi taskers and are difficult to compete with in this arena. 

If one says, "dual identity, it gives the impression of split personality, of other psychological issues, the issues are in a way psychological but not pathological and there's where the difference is unless of course, the Geminian has mental weaknesses that have evolved badly into pathology, he or she is a rare gift to friends, family and society. 

They get more done than many other astrological types and satisfy so many with their products and the result of their strong innate happiness. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sun Sign Full Moon Opposition

A reasonably easy way to remember what sign the full moon will be in each month is to know what sun sign is underway.  The full moon always occurs in the opposite sign that the sun is in. For example, if the sun is in the sign of Libra the full moon will be in the opposite sign to Libra which is Aries.  Full moons always reflect the sun sign that is ongoing through the twelve signs of the Zodiac month after month. 

To remember this you might consider memorizing the constellations/signs in the order that they exist from Aries to Pisces and then the zodiac signs that oppose them which is relatively easy to do.

Aries has a Libra opposition, Taurus the next in line has a Scorpio opposition, Gemini has a Sagittarius opposition etc.  So that when the sun is in Gemini for example, the full moon of that month (June) each year will always be (within a twenty four hour range of time of exactitude), the full moon will always be in Gemini's opposite sign which is Sagittarius. 

Opposites attract they say in science and it is true in terms of how opposites in the zodiac do compliment each other, so it is with the sun moon relationships.  One reflects the other and although the dynamic is one of tension, it is the resolution of tension going forward that makes full moon times each month and in our lives often interesting and illuminating in many ways. 

The Necessity of Evolution, Uranus and Neptune Do Their Part via Influence and Innovation

Social media, Twitter and Facebook and all the rest that are quickly following their lead and social networking in 2011 and in the far flung future are not just about me, me me, pay attention to me and my problem, my CD, my clothing line, my this or my that. 

Social media is in place as part of the obvious evolutionary upswing of the global community which is now closer than ever and ever closer with new breakthroughs and developments that are underway. 

Strong planetary trends in effect for many years have brought us Twitter, Facebook and the development of other vehicles that we, earth critters have the necessity to use to communicate across time and space like never before.  These vehicles have augmented recent revolutions in the Middle East and serve as a platform for the development of industries such as publishing and advertising all of which will fall to the youth who operate in cyberspace overwhelmingly. 

I saw statistics just the other day and it is perhaps naturally enough, young people who populate social media.  The future with hands on the driving wheel of the new technologies developed during a time when dreaming and innovation were sparked by Uranus and Neptune in mutual reception, each in the other's sign for years has given us already so much to go on going forward.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Currently: Planet Mars is in the constellation Aires & Planet Neptune in the Constellation Pisces

The alpha omega effect is currently underway in a highly interesting way.  We now have our close neighbor, the planet Mars in the the sign of its rulership, which is the primary martial or war sign, Aries (the ram).  At the same time, distant, nebulous planet Neptune is in the earliest degree of the sign of its rulership, Pisces (the feet), the last sign of our Zodiac. 

Much is going on in the mental and war sectors of life as the focus brought on by the stellium (or cluster of planets in Aries now) which is oriented toward war, fire and explosions. We are undergoing at this time of of wars on the global level the revolutions that are taking place across the Middle East and Africa.  We also have to add to the mix, the influence of Uranus, significator of rebellion and more specifically, revolution as it resides in the early degree of Aries as well. 

The year of 2011 has had many unusual starts to it and we can expect that as the year continues, we will all be in for more highly unusual events and disclosures will take place. 

We are basically just starting to experience the trends that the large planets, Uranus and Neptune are bringing about.

Unfortunately the tsunami in Japan has everything to do with these two planets, Uranus and Neptune as they have shifted the confines of the positions they have held for years and have moved forward.

The event of Neptune in Pisces is particularly treacherous because the potential of the element of water and specifically the oceans trend now and for many years going forward indicate more incidents of dramatic shifts in water levels and possibly if not probably additional tsunamis. 

I heard a broadcast recently where it was mentioned that New York City also has a fault line and that earthquakes here would occur, due to the low water level of the city.  A tsunami in the near future could or likely would put the city under water and that in fact, this could happen anywhere in the next fifty years.  To offset this, there is going to be a type of barrier or dam like structure to prevent the type of catastrophe that destroyed so much of Japan in recent times. 

Island nation citizens know the dangers of what they might suffer.  It would be wise and prudent although a sad and difficult decision to make going forward to emigrate to countries above sea level but it should be considered.  Island nation groups of people will have to choose to leave their land behind and live or suffer the consequences of what will be higher water levels across the globe in the next generation. 

Ten to twenty years time will see major changes in the the landscape of many islands due in part to the Neptune in Pisces transit which will last for 13 years, after February 2, 2012 when Neptune will re-enter Pisces for the long transit which follows a brief return to Uranus.  These details are not brought up to be confusing but to state information that outlines the time period of this eventful transit of Neptune in Pisces.

Oil sourcing in water regions of the world will become more widespread and in the United States as well.  Many activities, industry and eventualities for the better and for the worse will take place in relation to the oceans of the world. 

The focus will be with oceans, marine life, the effects of oil drilling will be more and more underway and in the news and the degree of industry to extract oil and other resources from the sea will be underway full swing and due in large part by necessity. 

It is true that the focus of planets now in Aries is squarely on war.  Global trends on war and the ramifications of war (Aries people, pardon the pun here) however, when Jupiter in Aries will fall away and leave behind planet Uranus we will have  Uranus in Aries slower moving and longer lasting.  Wars will be on for quite a while going forward, unfortunately.

Uranus will remain in the constellation for the lengthy travel, a transit that will last until March 15, 2018. 

However, it can't all just be war, war and war.  It will be war for certain but there will be the constructive side to Uranus in Aries that we we will be able to build on going forward and that we should focus on to ofset the difficulties of the times we are going through on the local and global level, particularly for the masses of people displaced and unemployed. 

Uranus, erratic ruler of the sign of Brotherhood and the Aquarian Age will be dreaming up and making actual inventions and many wonders on the plus or positive side of the Uranus in Aires transit.  Innovations and advancements that benefit humanity will be a popping!  Technology will also bring forward advancements that will make it even more affordable to own and operate more advanced electronics and other gadgets that human beings can benefit from. 

We are in for a wild and yes, radical ride though the next ten to twenty years but one thing is for certain, humanity will learn and grow and communities, at the global level as well as the local level will see a strengthened compassion for what our daily realities are.  The new landscape for the many countless people who find themselves, ourselves, in these difficult times of mass undemployment and the inevitable losses that is bringing. 

The contemporary human condition will find us all more compassionate and supportive, although that will be easier said than done for many who will react to the real threats to livlihood and survival as we have know it which has changed and will continue to change going forward. 

The bravest, strongest and most compassionate of us will thrive and help others going forward at this time.  It is our privilege and our strength and calling as evolving and loving human beings to make the necessary sacrifices in our own lives and help those we can along the way to do the same, in whatever way in which we can do this.  It is a wonderful challenge and many if not all will rise to the occasion.

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Rapture is Rapidly Approaching,

I came across information that May 2st would bring with it some important astrological occurence but what exactly would that be?  I must have overheard it in passing because I was unsure until I did a little research and apparently, the Christian, Rapture, will take place on that date.  I am not a student of the Bible and don't know that much about The Rapture except that it seems to be the day of Salvation for Christians, the end of days and time as we know it from what I can see. 

I am not sure what to make of it.  There is a huge symbolism and numerology component to this rapidly approaching day and I am not sure I will have the time to get up to speed with the inevitability factor here but, I wanted to post this for your consideration. 

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Stellium in the Heavens

A stellium is underway now.  The stellium or cluster of several planets as well as our sun and moon are all in the fire sign of Aries.  The planets involved are Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus and Mars and along with them for the ride are the two luminaries of "lights" of our solar system, the sun and moon.  That is a big deal, Aries is the sign of war and as it is, war is underway in several parts of the world. 

The best that comes to  mind about war during this time is that there may or may not be principles behind certain wars and there may be intelligence applied to at least some of the wars with Uranus and Jupiter involved.

Mars in Aries is a strength in terms of being alive and extremely active in the sign of it's rulership and strength, Aries. 

Jupiter and the sun as provide additional fire aspects to the fire sign of Aries and with the sun and moon shedding light in the constellation of Aries, bombings and other such incendiary ventures are underway in full force now as we can see or know about from reports around the world where wars, civil and otherwise are taking place.