Apologies may be necessary since with the start of the new astrological year in Aries, I jumped from Aries sun sign to Gemini on this blog! How could I? I can't be sure but not thinking clearly could be part of the answer and after all is said and done, we are still under a Mercury retrograde (until Mercury resumes direct movement on April 23rd) in Aries and that by itself makes for fuzzy thinking.
We have it on now with the sun in Taurus so happy birthday to you, Taurus!
Taurus, the perhaps most beautiful time of the year when our green world is new again with flowers and birds and all critters seemingly rejoicing. Winter over for certain and beautiful sun in Taurus is underway yes, but, we should enjoy as much as possible this intermediate and temperate time before summer arrives.
Oh, if I ever have to come back, I hope I can be on earth again only this time, Taurean. You know what they say and I think those in the know are right, Taurus represents and presents the best of everything. Everything beautiful, expensive, sensual, artistic, rich and long lived exists under that first of the earth signs.
I know they say that Scorpio people are the best lovers in the world, not so. I think Taureans deserve those credits but, although they are top notch, I rarely encounter them for some reason. I don't see anything negative about them except for what others say is their main fault which would be the stubbornness. But when you think of it, what man doesn't have a stubborn streak in him no matter the sun sign? If that's all there is to the "dark" side of Taurus, that's not much to speak of and the temperment issue is one that can easily be gotten around. Taureans are slow to anger so if you're really not cruising for a bruising, you will have nothing to worry about dealing with them.
Perspective is everything of course and there are qualifiers to what I am saying here including the constellation of other aspects or relationships that Taurus has going for him or her. Certain signs are inharmonious with Taurus so if the particular Taurean has for example, sun in Taurus and moon in Aquarius, there will be some difficulties and or inner conflicts that may or may not be difficult for the person to be aware of or pinpoint in order to correct or improve upon. The personality will be conflicted. I have seen examples of this particular configuration but it's enough to say, it is not a harmonious one.
Another not nice configuration would be Taurus with a moon in Leo, however, I have to qualify that because our current President Obama is the flip of that, a Leo with the moon when he was born (wherever he was born) in the sign of Taurus!
The bull and the lion, both bestial signs represent animal nature and power which is some kind of a combination to have.
Allowances may need to be made for those with this combination to a certain extent because, a primary aspect of the personality is a hard driving controling personality, in charge and dominant. (I am not speaking of the President here though to a certain extent any president would need some of these characteristics if not all of them.)
The first of the earth signs, Taurus individuals love their loved ones passionately and in a perhaps highly possessive way. I believe what I have read about them, that they dislike separation of any kind from loved ones. How they cope with this inevitablity is beyond me because I have not had enough experience with them on the personal level to know to what extent this may be true.
I will be writing more in the near future about the observations I have made concerning Taurean people who have charm and personal magnetism like no other sign in the zodiac.
We have it on now with the sun in Taurus so happy birthday to you, Taurus!
Taurus, the perhaps most beautiful time of the year when our green world is new again with flowers and birds and all critters seemingly rejoicing. Winter over for certain and beautiful sun in Taurus is underway yes, but, we should enjoy as much as possible this intermediate and temperate time before summer arrives.
Oh, if I ever have to come back, I hope I can be on earth again only this time, Taurean. You know what they say and I think those in the know are right, Taurus represents and presents the best of everything. Everything beautiful, expensive, sensual, artistic, rich and long lived exists under that first of the earth signs.
I know they say that Scorpio people are the best lovers in the world, not so. I think Taureans deserve those credits but, although they are top notch, I rarely encounter them for some reason. I don't see anything negative about them except for what others say is their main fault which would be the stubbornness. But when you think of it, what man doesn't have a stubborn streak in him no matter the sun sign? If that's all there is to the "dark" side of Taurus, that's not much to speak of and the temperment issue is one that can easily be gotten around. Taureans are slow to anger so if you're really not cruising for a bruising, you will have nothing to worry about dealing with them.
Perspective is everything of course and there are qualifiers to what I am saying here including the constellation of other aspects or relationships that Taurus has going for him or her. Certain signs are inharmonious with Taurus so if the particular Taurean has for example, sun in Taurus and moon in Aquarius, there will be some difficulties and or inner conflicts that may or may not be difficult for the person to be aware of or pinpoint in order to correct or improve upon. The personality will be conflicted. I have seen examples of this particular configuration but it's enough to say, it is not a harmonious one.
Another not nice configuration would be Taurus with a moon in Leo, however, I have to qualify that because our current President Obama is the flip of that, a Leo with the moon when he was born (wherever he was born) in the sign of Taurus!
The bull and the lion, both bestial signs represent animal nature and power which is some kind of a combination to have.
Allowances may need to be made for those with this combination to a certain extent because, a primary aspect of the personality is a hard driving controling personality, in charge and dominant. (I am not speaking of the President here though to a certain extent any president would need some of these characteristics if not all of them.)
The first of the earth signs, Taurus individuals love their loved ones passionately and in a perhaps highly possessive way. I believe what I have read about them, that they dislike separation of any kind from loved ones. How they cope with this inevitablity is beyond me because I have not had enough experience with them on the personal level to know to what extent this may be true.
I will be writing more in the near future about the observations I have made concerning Taurean people who have charm and personal magnetism like no other sign in the zodiac.
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