When I consider the somewhat unusual eventuality of twin births, I am reminded of the astrological sign, Gemini. I have the suspicion that Geminians are born in families with twins and also families that otherwise but for factors we cannot know about, i.e. the unknown, otherwise they would have been born twins or multiples. Of course this is all speculation and there is no way to get at quantitative proof but, I know from my own experience of a natal (birth) Gemini moon that there is more to me and more to Gemini than meets the eye.
I have heard people say, "They're two faced." Geminians aren't two faced generally speaking in terms of treachery but there may very well be more than one face, one internal and one external. The inner Geminian, could be the good twin or as I say sometimes, "the evil twin." If the Geminian in question is friendly and easy going and you just love them, you can be sure the twin on the inside is doubling as the tough guy or gal or the one that runs the show, like the Wizard of Oz, from behind the scenes. He or she may in fact be the "evil" twin but in a tough love kind of way.
Geminians can often be found in families that do have actual twin births and other double correspondences, those who are born on the 11th day or 11th month and usually they are aware of these correspondences. My neighbor is Gemini and he's born on his father's birthday, talk about chip off the old block!
Another observation I have made in my analysis of Geminians is that they are true party people and have been the joy of their parents lives from early on. They have entertained and will continue to entertain in some form or fashion their entire lives and they have as a rule lively social lives.
I find Gemini people to be far more sociable than Aquarians or Librans for that matter. They are usually going somewhere (fast) or coming back from some travel and have stories to tell galore. They are my favorite type of people generally speaking and I find that I understand their duality because I am familiar with my own duality to a large degree and play it for what it's worth. And it is worthwhile to have two for the price of one personalities or entities or whatever you choose to call it. They get more done and can do multiple things at the same time. They are master multi taskers and are difficult to compete with in this arena.
If one says, "dual identity, it gives the impression of split personality, of other psychological issues, the issues are in a way psychological but not pathological and there's where the difference is unless of course, the Geminian has mental weaknesses that have evolved badly into pathology, he or she is a rare gift to friends, family and society.
They get more done than many other astrological types and satisfy so many with their products and the result of their strong innate happiness.
I have heard people say, "They're two faced." Geminians aren't two faced generally speaking in terms of treachery but there may very well be more than one face, one internal and one external. The inner Geminian, could be the good twin or as I say sometimes, "the evil twin." If the Geminian in question is friendly and easy going and you just love them, you can be sure the twin on the inside is doubling as the tough guy or gal or the one that runs the show, like the Wizard of Oz, from behind the scenes. He or she may in fact be the "evil" twin but in a tough love kind of way.
Geminians can often be found in families that do have actual twin births and other double correspondences, those who are born on the 11th day or 11th month and usually they are aware of these correspondences. My neighbor is Gemini and he's born on his father's birthday, talk about chip off the old block!
Another observation I have made in my analysis of Geminians is that they are true party people and have been the joy of their parents lives from early on. They have entertained and will continue to entertain in some form or fashion their entire lives and they have as a rule lively social lives.
I find Gemini people to be far more sociable than Aquarians or Librans for that matter. They are usually going somewhere (fast) or coming back from some travel and have stories to tell galore. They are my favorite type of people generally speaking and I find that I understand their duality because I am familiar with my own duality to a large degree and play it for what it's worth. And it is worthwhile to have two for the price of one personalities or entities or whatever you choose to call it. They get more done and can do multiple things at the same time. They are master multi taskers and are difficult to compete with in this arena.
If one says, "dual identity, it gives the impression of split personality, of other psychological issues, the issues are in a way psychological but not pathological and there's where the difference is unless of course, the Geminian has mental weaknesses that have evolved badly into pathology, he or she is a rare gift to friends, family and society.
They get more done than many other astrological types and satisfy so many with their products and the result of their strong innate happiness.
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