Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter Aries Stellium Continues

We have the wonderful Aries stellium (conjunction of planets) underway.  Planet Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Uranus together in the constellation of Aries, that's some lineup!

Yes, Aries is the primary sign of war and associated with the ram that competes head on for territory and mates.  As we all know, strife never sleeps in this world of ours but there are other indicators that a lineup of planets such as those listed above bring us other than war.  But what exactly or even approximately might those indicators be? 

It is significant to mention here that the Passover celebration has to do with a ram's horn which is blown at some time perhaps the start of religious observances in the Jewish tradition.  Why exactly a ram's horn will require a little research I will do in an upcoming post.  More on that later but, what about the "benefics" in Aries? 

The benefics, those planets that have been traditionally associated with the appearance, arrival and bestowal of good fortune or fortunate trends, Venus and Jupiter specifically.  The other planets in Aries now, Mars and Uranus are called and referred to as "malefics."  Male stars that have a destructive influence or the potential is greater for destructive or malevolent occurrences are associated with these planets. 

Mars in Aries is the warlord in action and don't we see that today and for some time now with the latest wars?  It's out of an astrology textbook from that point of view but, what of the benefics?  What of Venus and Jupiter that bring the lesser and the greater fortune?  Where do they figure in this conjunction in Aries? 

We have Mercury going direct today after about three weeks but, Mercury as a neutral (perhaps in terms of being mid way between benevolence/goodness and malevolence/the opposite of goodness.  Mercury goes whichever way the wind blows in most instances and can be admired for the flexibility it brings in whichever sign it occupies).

If Mars in Aries is the war lord on his throne and in battle, what the heck is Venus doing in the mixture?  What role and or place does the love principle have to do with war and activities of war? 

It is by necessity that the planets move in their course and changes take place in influences going forward and those that can be traced backwards.  Necessity is similar to the necessity for everthing in the universe, I suppose. 

Necessity, eventuality, inevitability, the random or seemingly random chaos changes that have always been and will always be in play in the universe allow for no exception with any of the planets. 

It is the interpretation and analysis of the cominations (or conjunctions of planets) and their relationship to each other that make astrology a fascinating and highly interesting hobby and or field of study.  

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