The alpha omega effect is currently underway in a highly interesting way. We now have our close neighbor, the planet Mars in the the sign of its rulership, which is the primary martial or war sign, Aries (the ram). At the same time, distant, nebulous planet Neptune is in the earliest degree of the sign of its rulership, Pisces (the feet), the last sign of our Zodiac.
Much is going on in the mental and war sectors of life as the focus brought on by the stellium (or cluster of planets in Aries now) which is oriented toward war, fire and explosions. We are undergoing at this time of of wars on the global level the revolutions that are taking place across the Middle East and Africa. We also have to add to the mix, the influence of Uranus, significator of rebellion and more specifically, revolution as it resides in the early degree of Aries as well.
The year of 2011 has had many unusual starts to it and we can expect that as the year continues, we will all be in for more highly unusual events and disclosures will take place.
We are basically just starting to experience the trends that the large planets, Uranus and Neptune are bringing about.
Unfortunately the tsunami in Japan has everything to do with these two planets, Uranus and Neptune as they have shifted the confines of the positions they have held for years and have moved forward.
The event of Neptune in Pisces is particularly treacherous because the potential of the element of water and specifically the oceans trend now and for many years going forward indicate more incidents of dramatic shifts in water levels and possibly if not probably additional tsunamis.
I heard a broadcast recently where it was mentioned that New York City also has a fault line and that earthquakes here would occur, due to the low water level of the city. A tsunami in the near future could or likely would put the city under water and that in fact, this could happen anywhere in the next fifty years. To offset this, there is going to be a type of barrier or dam like structure to prevent the type of catastrophe that destroyed so much of Japan in recent times.
Island nation citizens know the dangers of what they might suffer. It would be wise and prudent although a sad and difficult decision to make going forward to emigrate to countries above sea level but it should be considered. Island nation groups of people will have to choose to leave their land behind and live or suffer the consequences of what will be higher water levels across the globe in the next generation.
Ten to twenty years time will see major changes in the the landscape of many islands due in part to the Neptune in Pisces transit which will last for 13 years, after February 2, 2012 when Neptune will re-enter Pisces for the long transit which follows a brief return to Uranus. These details are not brought up to be confusing but to state information that outlines the time period of this eventful transit of Neptune in Pisces.
Oil sourcing in water regions of the world will become more widespread and in the United States as well. Many activities, industry and eventualities for the better and for the worse will take place in relation to the oceans of the world.
The focus will be with oceans, marine life, the effects of oil drilling will be more and more underway and in the news and the degree of industry to extract oil and other resources from the sea will be underway full swing and due in large part by necessity.
It is true that the focus of planets now in Aries is squarely on war. Global trends on war and the ramifications of war (Aries people, pardon the pun here) however, when Jupiter in Aries will fall away and leave behind planet Uranus we will have Uranus in Aries slower moving and longer lasting. Wars will be on for quite a while going forward, unfortunately.
Uranus will remain in the constellation for the lengthy travel, a transit that will last until March 15, 2018.
However, it can't all just be war, war and war. It will be war for certain but there will be the constructive side to Uranus in Aries that we we will be able to build on going forward and that we should focus on to ofset the difficulties of the times we are going through on the local and global level, particularly for the masses of people displaced and unemployed.
Uranus, erratic ruler of the sign of Brotherhood and the Aquarian Age will be dreaming up and making actual inventions and many wonders on the plus or positive side of the Uranus in Aires transit. Innovations and advancements that benefit humanity will be a popping! Technology will also bring forward advancements that will make it even more affordable to own and operate more advanced electronics and other gadgets that human beings can benefit from.
We are in for a wild and yes, radical ride though the next ten to twenty years but one thing is for certain, humanity will learn and grow and communities, at the global level as well as the local level will see a strengthened compassion for what our daily realities are. The new landscape for the many countless people who find themselves, ourselves, in these difficult times of mass undemployment and the inevitable losses that is bringing.
The contemporary human condition will find us all more compassionate and supportive, although that will be easier said than done for many who will react to the real threats to livlihood and survival as we have know it which has changed and will continue to change going forward.
The bravest, strongest and most compassionate of us will thrive and help others going forward at this time. It is our privilege and our strength and calling as evolving and loving human beings to make the necessary sacrifices in our own lives and help those we can along the way to do the same, in whatever way in which we can do this. It is a wonderful challenge and many if not all will rise to the occasion.
Much is going on in the mental and war sectors of life as the focus brought on by the stellium (or cluster of planets in Aries now) which is oriented toward war, fire and explosions. We are undergoing at this time of of wars on the global level the revolutions that are taking place across the Middle East and Africa. We also have to add to the mix, the influence of Uranus, significator of rebellion and more specifically, revolution as it resides in the early degree of Aries as well.
The year of 2011 has had many unusual starts to it and we can expect that as the year continues, we will all be in for more highly unusual events and disclosures will take place.
We are basically just starting to experience the trends that the large planets, Uranus and Neptune are bringing about.
Unfortunately the tsunami in Japan has everything to do with these two planets, Uranus and Neptune as they have shifted the confines of the positions they have held for years and have moved forward.
The event of Neptune in Pisces is particularly treacherous because the potential of the element of water and specifically the oceans trend now and for many years going forward indicate more incidents of dramatic shifts in water levels and possibly if not probably additional tsunamis.
I heard a broadcast recently where it was mentioned that New York City also has a fault line and that earthquakes here would occur, due to the low water level of the city. A tsunami in the near future could or likely would put the city under water and that in fact, this could happen anywhere in the next fifty years. To offset this, there is going to be a type of barrier or dam like structure to prevent the type of catastrophe that destroyed so much of Japan in recent times.
Island nation citizens know the dangers of what they might suffer. It would be wise and prudent although a sad and difficult decision to make going forward to emigrate to countries above sea level but it should be considered. Island nation groups of people will have to choose to leave their land behind and live or suffer the consequences of what will be higher water levels across the globe in the next generation.
Ten to twenty years time will see major changes in the the landscape of many islands due in part to the Neptune in Pisces transit which will last for 13 years, after February 2, 2012 when Neptune will re-enter Pisces for the long transit which follows a brief return to Uranus. These details are not brought up to be confusing but to state information that outlines the time period of this eventful transit of Neptune in Pisces.
Oil sourcing in water regions of the world will become more widespread and in the United States as well. Many activities, industry and eventualities for the better and for the worse will take place in relation to the oceans of the world.
The focus will be with oceans, marine life, the effects of oil drilling will be more and more underway and in the news and the degree of industry to extract oil and other resources from the sea will be underway full swing and due in large part by necessity.
It is true that the focus of planets now in Aries is squarely on war. Global trends on war and the ramifications of war (Aries people, pardon the pun here) however, when Jupiter in Aries will fall away and leave behind planet Uranus we will have Uranus in Aries slower moving and longer lasting. Wars will be on for quite a while going forward, unfortunately.
Uranus will remain in the constellation for the lengthy travel, a transit that will last until March 15, 2018.
However, it can't all just be war, war and war. It will be war for certain but there will be the constructive side to Uranus in Aries that we we will be able to build on going forward and that we should focus on to ofset the difficulties of the times we are going through on the local and global level, particularly for the masses of people displaced and unemployed.
Uranus, erratic ruler of the sign of Brotherhood and the Aquarian Age will be dreaming up and making actual inventions and many wonders on the plus or positive side of the Uranus in Aires transit. Innovations and advancements that benefit humanity will be a popping! Technology will also bring forward advancements that will make it even more affordable to own and operate more advanced electronics and other gadgets that human beings can benefit from.
We are in for a wild and yes, radical ride though the next ten to twenty years but one thing is for certain, humanity will learn and grow and communities, at the global level as well as the local level will see a strengthened compassion for what our daily realities are. The new landscape for the many countless people who find themselves, ourselves, in these difficult times of mass undemployment and the inevitable losses that is bringing.
The contemporary human condition will find us all more compassionate and supportive, although that will be easier said than done for many who will react to the real threats to livlihood and survival as we have know it which has changed and will continue to change going forward.
The bravest, strongest and most compassionate of us will thrive and help others going forward at this time. It is our privilege and our strength and calling as evolving and loving human beings to make the necessary sacrifices in our own lives and help those we can along the way to do the same, in whatever way in which we can do this. It is a wonderful challenge and many if not all will rise to the occasion.
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